Our latest Ofsted monitoring visit

From October 2018, Ofsted undertook to carry out monitoring visits to all newly directly funded providers of apprenticeship training provision which began to be funded from April 2017 or after by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and/or the apprenticeship levy.

Our 'monitoring visit' was undertaken as part of those arrangements and as outlined in the ‘Further education and skills inspection handbook’, especially the sections entitled ‘Monitoring visits’ and ‘Monitoring visits to providers that are newly directly publicly funded’. 

The focus of these visits is on the themes set out below. 

 - How much progress have leaders made in ensuring that the provider is meeting all the requirements of successful apprenticeship provision? 

 -What progress have leaders and managers made Reasonable progress in ensuring that apprentices benefit from high- quality training that leads to positive outcomes for apprentices? 

 -How much progress have leaders and managers made in ensuring that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place? 

The Ofsted inspectors left impressive verbal feedback and states reasonable progress had been made by excel training. Some training providers at this stage cease business as a direct result of their monitoring visit and often lose their contract, so to receive such positive feedback - we are more than happy! 

You can see our fill report here: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50129217